Monday, May 10, 2010

Strange Past Events on Oneida Lake - UFO Sightings ??


On Wednesday, May 28, 1997, Ed Granoski and a few friends were on the south shore of Oneida Lake in upstate New York, approximately 16 miles (25 kilometers) east of Syracuse when they spied strange lights in the sky.

The sightings "started at 10:45 p.m.," Ed said. "Viewed for five minutes. All lights appeared amber/ orange similar to sodium vapor lights. We did not see any structures other than lights. The objects were approximately four to five miles (6 to 8 kilometers) across the lake from us and cast light reflections on the lake."
Ed estimated that the lights were situated "over a small town of Jewel, N.Y. and Camden, N.Y. (population 2,667) on the north shore of Oneida Lake." The UFOs were "approximately 20 to 30 degrees on the horizon and what appeared to be 2,000 to 3,000 feet up."

Grabbing a videocamera, Ed's group shot footage of the lights that night.
"This continued for at least six different viewings at different time intervals until 12:30 a.m. (Thursday) May 29, 1997. Formations ranged from three (lights) in triangle, to four straight line, to five just scattered, to twelve...two to the left, five to the right on top and five just below them. No speed noted--objects were stationary, except for one sighting when four were present in a row. Two flew in from a higher altitude and then stopped and remained stationary. No approach or departure--lights appeared and disappeared usually in five to six minute intervals."
"A neighbor stated that on May 26 and May 27 they viewed similar lights in the same area," Ed added, "Our sightings were viewed by 10 people we know of, some as far away as 12 miles on top of a hill."

Local police attributed the strange amber/orange lights to "military parachute flares."

1 comment:

  1. we were coming home from cicero along oneida lake tonight approx. 1030pm and seen the same kind of lights over the lake. If these were parachutts where were they going to land? I dont think these were parachutt flares. we seen the same kind of stillness, lines of them approx 6, and approx 3-4 in a smaller section with very little movement. Very simular to the prior post siteing.
